

【摘  要】 物道观理论是庄子思想中很重要的一个部分,《庄子秋水》中的以道观之,物无贵贱;以物观之,自贵而相贱集中阐释了庄子的这一思想。通过分析庄子的概念,我们不难发现以道观之是以以物观之为基础,而以物观之最终应升华到以道观之的高度。从物道观的角度出发,能够帮助我们能够更好的理解庄子思想。




The Exploration of Zhuangzi's Theory of Wu and Dao


Abstract By thoroughly researching Zhuangzi's idea——“Theory of Wu and Dao of Views from the perspective of Wu and Views from the perspective of Dao, the thesis analyzes concepts of Wu and Dao, finding that Zhuangzi's Views from the perspective of Dao” takes “Views from the perspective of Wu” as the basis, and “Views from the perspective of Dao” should be the sublimation of “View from the perspective of Wu”. Further, the thesis researches how this sublimation could be realized. Base on “Theory of Wu and Dao” is a better way to research Zhuangzi's idea.


Key words:  Wu   Dao   Views from the perspective of Wu  Views from the perspective of Dao



