


关键词: 康德; 表象理论; 科学观


On Kant’s Theory of Representation

——Also on “ Representational Conception of Science” and “Practical Conception of Science”

ZHOU Chang-zhong

Abstract: Knowing subject is a representation maker. It makes object represented by its mind. Pure intuition of sensibility and pure thinking of understanding both are making of representation. They  are premise, foundation and condition for representing of empirical intuition as well as one of  conceptional thinking in general. Mind itself as subject consciousness inherently possesses a representing function which ensures the synthetic unity  of  representations and  makes  the  synthesized representations correspond definitely to object, thereby enabling knowing. That known by  mind is representation of thing. Representation is on thing as well as of thing. Representation is  determined by the structure and function of mind. However, representation is presented or  given  after  this function is applied on thing. But, representation is distinct from thing in itself. As regards  representation, thing enters into pure intuition of mind and is represented as phenomenon after thing  comes in knowing relation with knowing subject. Whereas thing in itself exists independently, and is  richer much more than its representation. Representation is characteristic of science. The idea “science as practice” only brings a “practical turn” in philosophy of science, but there is no the  problem of replacing of “representational conception of science” by“practical conception of science”. Both“representation” andpractice are the grasp of the meaning of science.  

Key words: Kant; theory of representation; conception of science