赵  琦

赵琦,复旦大学与意大利萨雷西亚大学(Università Pontificia Salesiana)联合培养博士,美国圣路易斯大学(Saint Louis University博士后。主攻西欧中世纪与古典哲学、伦理学,中西比较哲学。2015年访问香港道风汉语基督教文化研究所,并获得香港中文大学宗教与中国社会研究中心荣誉副研究员席位。精通英语、熟悉意大利语与拉丁语。获得上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,社科新人以及青年拔尖人才等荣誉与奖项,并在国际艺术与人文科学索引类杂志(A&HCI)、以及内地知名杂志上发表中英文论文多篇。代表作有论文Relation Centered Ethics Between Confucius and Aquinas、《友谊与共同体》,以及著作《回归本真的交往方式:托马斯阿奎那论友谊》。担任哲学所伦理学研究主任,兼任中国伦理学会、上海市伦理学会、中华全国外国哲学史学会中世纪哲学专业委员会理事。


     Zhaoqi is an associate professor at the philosophy institute of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. She is a specialist in European medieval philosophy, ethics, and comparative study of eastern and western moral theories. She got her PhD degree in religion from a joint program of Fudan University and Università Pontificia Salesiana in Italy, and she did her post-doctoral study in Saint Louis University in USA. She published mainly on high medieval philosophy and comparative moral thought between Confucian and European moral tradition. Currently, she is a member of several learned academic societies in China.