

  要: 德行教育预设我们能做出正确的道德判断,并加以贯彻实行。知而不行的事实,使得道德自律的可能性遭到质疑。以价值灌输或行为规训做为保证知行一致的教育手段,这种德行教育的迷思普遍存在。首先批判来自知行双轨论的教育学迷思,并透过柯尔伯格( Lawrence Kohlberg)的知行同轨论,说明知行不一致的现象其实只代表:道德判断是道德行动之必要但非充分条件。借助布莱西(Augusto Blasi)与蒂尔曼·哈贝马斯(T. Habermas)对于道德行动之充分条件的探究,最后将指出,以自我本真与群体团结做为基础的责任判断,才是德行教育真正的基础。

 关键词: 德行教育; 知行问题; 责任判断; 道德发展理论; 柯尔伯格


Why Don’t We Do What We Should?

——On Virtue Education and its Foundations in Judgments of Responsibility of Authenticity and Solidarity

LIN Yuan-ze

Abstract The virtue education presupposes that we can do what we should. But in the fact we dont always do so. Some psychologists therefore throw their doubt upon the possibility of moral autonomy and admit indoctrination and discipline as inevitable means of virtue education. This paper criticizes the myth of “two-track theory” of moral development and shows the moral judgment can be regarded only as the necessary but not the sufficient conditions of moral action. Through an explication of Blasi’s and T. Habermas’ “single-track theory” of moral development I try to identify the judgments of responsibility of authenticity and solidarity as true foundations of virtue education.

Key words: virtue education moral judgment and moral action judgment of responsibility theory of moral development Kohlberg



