

  要: 康德在《道德形而上学奠基》的第一章中列出了三条道德理性知识的原理:(1)你行动的准则要出于义务而不仅仅符合义务;(2)出于义务的行动的道德价值只在于它的准则的普遍性形式,而不在于任何质料;(3)义务就是由敬重法则而来的行动的必然性。这三条原理正是要从普通的道德理性知识中过渡到哲学的道德理性知识,从而为向下一章即道德形而上学的提升打下一个基础。这三条原理其实已经暗示着道德形而上学的至上原理即定言命令的内在结构了,这就是在义务概念中所包含的主观准则、客观法则和由敬重而实现出来的主客统一的必然性三个环节,它们后来扩展为定言命令的三个变形的公式。当然,这三个环节的真正意义单凭形式逻辑的分析和停留于词句的表层上是看不出来的,只有深入到康德思想的深处才有可能真切地把握到。

关键词: 道德形而上学; 义务; 准则; 敬重; 定言命令


An Analysis of Three Principles in the First Section. of Kant’s Grounding for the  Metaphysics of Morals

DENG Xiao-mang

Abstract: Kant lists three principles of moral rational knowledge in the first section of his Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. 1Ones criteria of actions must be out of duty, not only according to duty. 2 The moral value of action out of duty only lies in its universal form of the guidelines, rather than any materials. 3 Duty is an necessariness of action out of the respect to rules. These three principles above are made to transit from ordinary rational knowledge morality to the philosophical, so as to establish a foundation for next section, i.e. Transition from Moral Philosophy to a Metaphysics of Morals. The three principles already suggest an internal structure of the supreme principle of moral metaphysics, i.e. categorical imperative which includes three links: subjective criteria, objective laws and the necessity of uniting both out of respect, included by the concept of duty. Those three links then were developed into three transformed formulae for categorical imperative. Certainly, the authentic meaning of these three links can not be revealed only by formal logical analyses and superficial expressions, but by understanding of Kant’s thinking as deep as possible.

 Key words: metaphysics of moral duty criterion respect categorical imperative



