

  要: 格赖斯(H. P. Grice)的《意义》是20世纪意义理论的一个里程碑式的论文。其中心观点是在语言交往行为中将意图作为关键概念来理解说话人的意义。在大多数情况下,他关注的是说话人的非自然意义。即A通过X非自然地意谓着P,相当于说出 X以通过认识其意图的方式对听众产生某些影响。用通俗的话说,即理解意义的途经在于让说话人的意图被听众所理解并产生回应或效果。通过对此种意义观的批评和回应的历史作简单回顾,可以看到格赖斯的意义理论存在着许多自身的困难。但这也同时说明,尽管格赖斯的理论是不完善的,这个理论却激发了许多哲学家试图对其挑战、修改和完善,并发展出像刘易斯(C. I. Lewis)的“约定”、塞尔(J. R. Searle)的“言语行为”和斯特劳森(P. Strawson)的“意图,约定和言语行为”等重要的意义理论。在这些工作的基础上,可以通过引进一个推理概念作为必要条件,把意义理论从仅仅对意图的猜测引到对意图的追问,从而避免格赖斯理论中的错综复杂的子意图和无穷倒退的难题。

关键词: 格赖斯; 意义; 说话人意义; 非自然意义; 意图; 言语行为


Grice’s Account of Speaker Meaning and its Sufficiency: An Assessment

LI Guang-cheng

Abstract: H.P. Grice’s ‘meaning’ (1957) is a landmark work in the history of philosophy of language and  theory of meaning in the 20th century. His approach, as discussed here in the 1st section of this paper, is to analyse non-natural meaning in terms of audience’s recognition of speaker’s intention.  In other words, to understand what a speech act means is to recognise speaker’s intention and produce an response as a result. Grice’s account of meaning raised many questions and criticisms. In the 2nd section, I focus on its sufficiency by giving a brief review of some criticisms (mainly Strawson and Schiffer) of Grice’s account of meaning and his responses in his later articles. Their criticisms show that Grice’s account of meaning, while giving us some insight into communicative acts, is not sufficient and need some additional conditions or alterations. In doing so, many philosophers developed their own theories of meaning, such as convention (D. Lewis), intention, convention, and rules in speech act (J. Seale), intention and convention (Strawson). It is in this sense that Grice’s theory, although not prefect nor sufficient, is served as an original source for many new theories of meaning. My own criticism, in the 3rd section, is that Grice’s account of meaning is not sufficient in the sense that it’s an account of meaning without language and his revision is a self-contradiction. My suggested way out is to introduce an inference concept into his account of meaning as a necessary condition and therefore as a simple way to eliminate the possible infinite series of regress entailed in his account and all potential counterexamples.

Key words H. P. Grice; meaning; speaker meaning; non-natural meaning; intention; speech act




