

  要: “价值”这个术语是人们用得最多、而含义最不明确的概念之一。为了使关于价值问题的任何讨论变得有效,有必要澄清人们对价值概念的种种误解,从而在以下四个问题上确立一种基础性的共识:第一,价值不同于使用价值;第二,客观价值关系不同于主观价值判断;第三,批评的价值多元论不同于自然的价值多元论;第四,被修正的现代性价值体系不同于现代性价值体系。  

关键词: 价值; 使用价值; 主观价值判断; 客观价值关系; 自然的价值多元论; 批评的价值多元论; 被修正的现代性价值体系。


Four Theses On the Issue of Value

YU Wu-jin

Abstract: The word “value” is one of the concepts which people often use without giving a definite meaning. It’s necessary for people to make clear various misunderstandings on the concept of value in order to set up a basic consensus, and this paper tries to investigate such consensus. First of all, value is not equal to use-value secondly, the objective value-relationship differs greatly from the subjective value-judgment; thirdly, the critical value-pluralism is more rational than the natural value-pluralism; fourthly, we should choose the revised value-system of modernity rather than value-system of modernity.

Key words: value; use-value; subjective value-judgment; objective value-relationship; natural value-pluralism; critical value-relationship; revised value-system of modernity



