

  要: 严苛地实行措施来保护药品专利权会导致很多穷人无力购买新的药品,这种做法不但在道德上不合理,甚至是对人权的一种侵犯。出于对人权的尊重,全球专利体系必须被辅以一种持续性的体制,以便有效地激励重要药品的研发和分配,让穷人得以购买药品,满足他们的医疗需求。健康影响力基金(HIF)正是这样的辅助体制。有三种常见的观点,它们都认为这种辅助体系是不必要的,认为重要药品的高位定价,加上法律上抑制低价位替代药品生产,并没有不公正地对待穷人。但这些观点都是站不住脚的。

关键词: 全球化; 竞争; 贫困; 人权; TRIPS协议; 医疗研究; 知识产权; 专利


The Health Impact Fund and its Justification by Appeal to Human Rights

Thomas Pogge

Abstract: Is it morally permissible to impose strong patent protections where doing so prices important new medicines out of the reach of many poor people? This essay argues that doing so is not permissible and in fact a human rights violation. To become human rights compliant, the global patent regime must be complemented by an enduring institutional mechanism that effectively incentivizes the development and distribution of high-impact medicines that meet the health needs of poor people and are accessible to them. The Health Impact Fund (HIF) is designed to be such a complement. Toward the end, the essay discusses and refutes three popular arguments claiming that no such complement is needed because high prices for vital patented medicines, backed by the legal suppression of cheaper generic substitutes, do no injustice to poor people.

Key words: globalization TRIPS Agreement pharmaceutical research intellectual property rights competition poverty human rights



