陈村富 包利民 章雪富:黄昏时起飞的猫头鹰:晚期希腊哲学——《希腊哲学史》第四卷..


  要: 由中国老中青三代学者历时近三十载撰写的四卷本《希腊哲学史》于今年正式出齐。最新出版的第四卷是关于希腊化和罗马帝国时期的后亚里士多德哲学的专题研究。本卷撰写者认为,要在西方学者已有成果的基础上写出以中国文化为背景的、有自己特色的晚期希腊哲学史,需要处理好六个问题:(1)晚期希腊哲学与地中海文化语境的关系;(2)学派形态哲学与学派外哲学的关系;(3)晚期希腊哲学与早期、中期哲学的关系;(4)折衷主义与罗马文化的特征问题;(5)东方文明对希腊罗马的反哺以及“雅典与耶路撒冷”问题;(6)以中国文化为背景解读晚期希腊哲学。

    关键词: 《希腊哲学史》; 晚期希腊哲学; 中国文化背景


The Owl Takes Flight with Twilight Closing in”:

Essentials of History of Greek Philosophy Vol. 4

CHEN Cun-fu, BAO Li-min, ZHANG Xue-fu

Abstract: Through nearly 30 years of efforts, a four-volume History of Greek Philosophy written by three generations of Chinese scholars has been completed. The newly published volume focuses on Greek and Roman philosophy after Aristotle, including Stoicism, Epicureans, Skepticism, Neo-Platonism and the early Christian thought influenced by Greek philosophy. Based on the studies of western scholars, the history writing of late Greek philosophy with the characteristics of Chinese cultural background should straighten out the following problems or relations: 1. late Greek philosophy and the context of Mediterranean culture; 2. schools of philosophers and philosophy beyond school; 3. late Greek philosophy and the former two phases; 4. Electicism and the features of Roman culture; 5. oriental civilization and its reversed impact on Greek and Roman culture or the contention between “Athens and Jerusalem”; 6. interpretation of the late Greek philosophy against the background of Chinese culture.

Key words: History of Greek Philosophy; late Greek philosophy; Chinese cultural background



