

  要: 在古代丛林里,吃茶与禅机有着不解之缘,所谓“禅茶一味”,就是最好的表示。不过严格说来,吃茶只是引发禅机的媒介或工具,而非禅机本身。由赵州禅师“吃茶去”的公案,引出杨岐方会禅师“且坐吃茶”的机缘,并借用南泉普愿“泼残茶”的机锋,说明佛法的体悟之道,在于生活日用,要善于把握其中的“火候”,届时灵光一闪,打破漆桶,进入圣流,否则,就会错失机缘。借辨析“文殊与无著吃茶”的典故指出吃茶的作用,只在提起一个话头,倘若行者毫不犹豫,直下承担,即为法门龙象。要不然,只会在佛法的外围兜圈子,一无所获。这是宗门里常见的现象,古来如此。

关键词: 吃茶; 禅机; 杨岐; 普愿; 洞山


Drinking Tea and Zen Buddhist Allegorical Words

XIA Jin-hua

Abstract: As the old saying goes, tea and Dhyana are the same sense(禅茶一味), drinking tea is closely related to Zen Buddhism. To be moreexact, drinking tea is only a medium for touching off chances of the Dhyana. Firstly, this paper explains the koan of Master Fang-huis sit and drink tea(且坐吃茶)and Master Cong-shens repartee of go drink tea(吃茶去). Secondly, through the narrating of Master Pu-yuans story of splashing tea(泼残茶), it shows that the best opportunity for understanding Buddhadharma lies in everyday meditation and practice on Zen. After analyzing the example Manjusri drinking tea with Asanga (文殊与无著吃茶), this exploration can go a step further to probe the meaning and role of drinking tea in Zen Buddhist allegorical words.

Key words: drinking tea; Zen Buddhist allegorical words; Fang-hui; Cong-shen; Pu-yuan



