

  要: 本着我们是先有主张然后展开论证这一基本点,说理-论证的一般性质得以澄清。说理-论证的主要目标是通过对事物之所以然的探究使各种知识和道理得以贯通。在澄清过程中,平常对于说理-论证之性质的错误看法得以揭示。说理-论证不等同于没有先见的推论,它不只是让他人转变看法,也不一定要达成共识。

关键词: 说理-论证; 看法、信念; 推论; 理解


On Dianoesis and Other Issues

CHEN Jia-ying

Abstract The article aims to elucidate the nature of dianoesis, starting from the basic fact that we have already held a certain belief before we begin to argue for it and leading to the conclusion that what dianoesis endeavors to achieve is the understanding of the principles of things so that our dispersed understandings get related. In the course of my elucidation I argue against quite a few usual misconceptions of the nature of dianoesis, such as that sincere dianoesis equals reasoning from premises neutral to any prejudice or from something absolutely evident and that the sole function of dianoesis is to change the audience in their opinions in order to reach consensus.

Key words: dianoesis (reason argumentation; belief; reasoning; understanding  



