


关键词: 马克思主义; 宗教观; 宗教批判; 中国化


Marx and Engles’ View of Religion and It’s Sinicization

HU Chun-feng

Abstract The issue of religion is very important in the Marxist ideology. Based on epistemology, nature and history, Marx and Engles analysed the origin and essence of religion and described social conditions of its disappearance. Their view of religion from the perspective of historical materialism is very important  for contemporary social reality and practice. Marxists in China upheld and developed the Marxist view of religion that allows religious freedom, believes that religion has public, national, international and long-term characteristics, moreover, handling religious relations and building a harmonious society are closely related. Chinese Marxists established religious policy that conforms to the state's actual conditions, and formed chinese Marxist view of religion in practice.

Key words: Marxism; view of religion; critique of religion; sinicization



