


关键词: 形而上学; 康德; 笛卡尔; 先验范畴; 范导原则; 统觉  


A Reconstruction of Kant’s Frame of Metaphysics

CHEN Xiao-ping

Abstract: This paper reveals a multi-layered structure of metaphysics which can be described as a pyramid with the increasing abstractness from bottom to top: materialmetaphysics, formmetaphysics, ideametaphysics and method-metaphysics. Every layer of the structure were discussed by Kant in various degrees and with  different contents. In contrast to Kant’s system of metaphysics, this paper tries tol make some changes in every layer. Among them,  most changes take place in material-metaphysics, and there are some modifications in idea-metaphysics as well as some important complements and amendments to the latter two. The start point of material-metaphysics is Descartes cogito, ergo sum, to which Kant didnt pay enough attention. For the key question “how is a priori synthetic proposition possible”, Kant’s answer and argument contains a vicious circle. This paper attempts to break the vicious circle by emphasizing the refelexivity of apperception, and provide a foundation for the whole metaphysics.

Key words: metaphysics, Kant, Descartes, a priori categories, regulative principle, apperception



