

  要: 认识论这个概念在1920世纪之交通过罗素和梅耶松被引入英美和法国哲学。以这一概念的兴起以及它所引出的问题和悖论为切入点,通过重点探讨卡瓦耶斯借助数学的资源,从概念哲学的角度出发对待认识论悖论的方式和他对哲学提出的一些新问题,可以勾勒出一幅对当今认识论以及人们一般所认为的“知识”概念所做的一番重新评价的图景。

关键词: 认识论; 卡瓦耶斯; 概念哲学; 数学; 知识


Epistemology Today: From a Philosophical Point of View

Claude Imbert

Abstract: The term and conception of epistemology was introduced into Anglo-Saxon and French philosophy by Russell and Meyerson. This article takes the emergence of this conception and the questions and paradox it induced as a starting point, develops a detailed discussion on Cavailles, his way of treating the epistemological paradox from the perspective of philosophy of concepts by means of borrowing the sources of mathematics, and the new questions he posed upon philosophy, sketching a vision of a reappraisal of epistemology today and of our common notion of knowledge.

Key words: epistemology; Cavailles; philosophy of concepts; mathematics; knowledge



