


      关键词: 伽利略; 亚里士多德; 常识; 经典物理; 量子物理


Galileo’s Experiment: For Verification, No Discovery

CHEN Rong-xia

Abstract: As a complete system, the theory of Aristotle’s kinematics left a number of problems for future generations. These problems not only stimulated research interest of the medieval scholars, but also provided an opportunity for the appearance of Galileo. Galileo’s experiment played a key role in classical physics. The meaning of thisexperiment is not discovery but verification, and the experiment itself provided a bridge between ideal world and real world. Therefore, the beginning of classical physics started from logical reasoning rather than experimental finding. The starting of logical reasoning based on common sense or experience. However, this characteristic is only limited in classical physical, and thus it constitutes one of the differences between physics and quantum physics.

Key words: Galileo; Aristotle; common sense; classical physics; quantum physics




