赵 克:关于科学与哲学关系认识冲突的一个学理性反思


    摘  要: 在科学与哲学都已分门别类的情况下,有关科学与哲学存在关系的表述遭到了质疑与反驳。科学与哲学的关系需要区别对待。规范的科学与规范的哲学隶属两大不同体系。断言科学与哲学存在关系的论据显然没有否定两者之间存在关系的论据更为充分。论争的根源在于对此命题的传统理解仅仅停留在无法证明的比拟与假定层面。事实表明,基于命题中“关系”概念的复杂性,即使具体到科学哲学这个在传统上被理解为能够体现科学与哲学具有密切关系的领域,科学与哲学的关系仍然难以得到严谨的证明,仅能作为一种并列的文化现象。   

       关键词: 关系; 科学; 哲学; 肯定与否定

       中图分类号:B0-0 文献标志码:A   文章编号:2095-0047201104-0125-11


A Doctrinal Reflection on the Cognitive Conflicts about the Relation Between Science and    Philosophy


        Abstract: Since science and philosophy have been categorized, some explanations about the relation between science and philosophy are oppugned and refutated. The relationship must be treated differently. Normal sciences and philosophy belong to two different systems in their own development stage. Positive arguments of the correlation between science and philosophy are far less than negative reasons. As far as this proposition is concerned, the root of traditional understandings stay only in indemonstrable assumption and at metaphorical level. In fact, since the concept of “relation” in the proposition is complicated, even in the field of philosophy of science which is traditionally understood as the embodiment of the close relationshp between science and philosophy, such relationship is still difficult to be rigorously demonstrated, and science and philosophy can only be seen as parallel cultural phenomena.

        Key words: relation; science; philosophy; affirmative and negative




