刘 钢:从形式推理走向实质推理:论布兰顿的推理主义语义学


    摘  要: 布兰顿的推理主义语义学是直接反对形式语义学分析中的表象主义和自然主义的,因此,他用实质推理取代了形式推理、把说话者的信念(断言)和表征内容视为语义分析的主要内容,并运用了语用学解释和语义学分析的方法。布兰顿希望表明,如果意向性状态是一种具有内容的意向性状态,那么,语义学就是对这种内容的研究,而语用学则是对具有这种内容的意向性状态、态度和言语行为的语力或意味的研究。另一方面,布兰顿考虑了表征的内容与推理的关系,他认为表征的内容只有通过推理才能被理解。因此,在他的整个推理主义的建构中,他所要发展的是一种对信念和表征性内容进行推理主义转换的强的推理主义;这种强的推理主义在技术上是基于替换原理和回指这两种关键的语义推理的方法之上的。

        关键词: 形式语义学; 自然主义; 形式推理; 实质推理; 表征的内容

        中图分类号:B81   文献标志码:A   文章编号:2095-0047201104-0014-15

From Formal Inference to Material Inference: On R. B. Brandom’s Inferential Semantics                     

LIU Gang

     Abstract The fundamental purpose of R. B. Brandom's inferential semantics is against formal semantics which has its central idea of naturalism and representationalism, and it wants to substitute formal inference for material inference. Therefore, Brandom's material inference takes the method which combined the interpretation of pragmatics and semantics. It totally based on the belief and representation of the speaker’s intentional contents. That is why Brandom repudiates that we should take the representation as the deixis of the object. In his story, the representational contents can only be understood in terms of inferential content.

   Key words formal semantics; Naturalism formal inference; material inference; the representational contents



